
Inspired by motivational/self-help/business book "Poke the Box" by Seth Godin, I'm going to poke. To poke is to try something new/different/challenging and see how the world responds. And in it we find that the biggest obstacle to poking and potential success, is the fear of failure. And in the spirit of overcoming my fears, I shall face failure head on. I intend to meet failure at every turn.
Thus far I have been venturing into the world of writing. Maybe someday I explore a lack of talent in something else.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Stress Relief

If you ask me, stress is the modern day constant. Because of the efficiency of the techological world, our jobs are more demanding than ever. The requests of a supervisor, coworker or customer are always just a phone buzz away, threatening to invade our thoughts and steal our attention. Our weekends are filled with events and itineraries. Vacations cost money and denting the budget is stressful. And time, as if there could ever be enough of it.

The idea that we live stressful lives is not new. But how do we deal with it and is there another way to live? I know that I don't deal with it well and I don't know if there is another way to live, at least a way that I would like to live.

My usual method for relieving stress is to ignore it, forget about the problem and try to live life. This method has been so effective that I often suggest it to my wife when she is stressed. I'm sure you can imagine what she thinks about that advice and its efficacy. But I'm starting to come around to my wife's point of view as this method becomes less effective. Thus, I need better stress relievers.

The most relaxing, and thus de-stressing, thing I can think of is drinking a cold beer in a comfortable chair. Maybe there is some ice cream there, Zanzibar Chocolate or Ben & Jerry's Creme Brulee perferably, and maybe I eat that. And while I drink said beer and ice cream, a brand new Community is on TV.

 **Examples of things that can relieve stress. It would really stress me out if I was sued for using these images.**

But this drinking beer, eating ice cream and watching the hijinx of Troy and Abed falls into a dangerous category known as guilty pleasures, the place where all favorite things become tainted. Indulging in them brings a smile to my face and a familiar, happy feeling in my belly, but not any true satisfaction. Any pleasure is momentary and quickly replaced by the guilt that really shouldn't surprise anyone (not only is it in the name, but it's the first word!). Instead of drinking beer, I should probably have a water. Ice cream... good in moderation but I have never known how to regulate my ice cream intake. And sitting with my feet up while watching TV, I could be studying or mowing the lawn or finishing the dishes or playing guitar or... any million other things proven to rot my brain less than TV.

Guilt. How can I be stressed about guilt? Okay, that sounds a little stupid now that I've written it. Instead, how can I accept the need for a break in a world that is increasingly demanding of my time and attention? How do I say no and find only pleasure where there used to be guilty pleasure?

And how do you take a guilt free, stress free break from your own stressful life?

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