
Inspired by motivational/self-help/business book "Poke the Box" by Seth Godin, I'm going to poke. To poke is to try something new/different/challenging and see how the world responds. And in it we find that the biggest obstacle to poking and potential success, is the fear of failure. And in the spirit of overcoming my fears, I shall face failure head on. I intend to meet failure at every turn.
Thus far I have been venturing into the world of writing. Maybe someday I explore a lack of talent in something else.

Fred Matthews

This is the place where all of the story parts are collected. Hopefully this is easier to navigate than the normal blog page.

Click the links below to be taken directly to the page for each chapter.

Chapter 1: Fred and Rachel Meet

Chapter 2: To leap or not to leap?

Chapter 3: Examinations